You Reap What You Sow – How To Sow Good Seeds in Your Consciousness
Undoubtedly, everybody has heard the quote “You reap what you sow.” Also expressed as: as you sow, so shall you reap. The sentiment comes from the New Testament of the Bible, Galatians 6:7-8
Everything we ever do, every action we ever take, every word we ever say, even our thoughts – they all sow seeds in our consciousness. And even if we don’t admit it, we all know it because everything we do, think, say, we do it consciously. We realize that we do it and this awareness sows seeds in our minds and makes an imprint as a handprint on soft clay.
There is a connection between cause and effect:
the seeds ripen into experiences that can be pleasant or painful;
depending on whether the intention was noble or corrupt.
Patanjali Sutra II.14
When you perform any action that hurts someone, a seed is sown in your consciousness. This seed will ripen afterward and you will see something painful or you will experience something painful.
And in the same way, when you do something good for someone, a seed is sown which will ripen and you will see something pleasant, nice experience.
Overall, these seeds are sown just from realizing that you are doing, saying, or even just thinking something positive or negative.
Some people call it “The Law of Attraction”, other people call it “Karma”. It looks like universal law, simple and irrefutable, as the law of gravity. It’s like a great and perfect justice of the world.
If we want to see and experience good things in our life we have to become gardeners.
We have to try to root out the bad seeds, but sow and grow good seeds instead.
From now on we must be careful and sow only good new seeds, never bad.
1. Breaking the circle
Let the gardening begin
The bad seeds act in a very insidious way. You must first understand that the bad things that are happening to you, are not happening on occasion. First of all, there is a reason, a seed that ripens. You may think that something bad is happening to you because there are bad people who steal, kill, attack and this is the way they are. But you have to think if somebody steals from you, is this a bad coincidence or have you sowed in the past such a bad seed that has just matured?
The normal reaction of people when something bad happens, is to get angry. Normally if somebody comes to you and starts yelling, you will yell at him or you will start hating him. In this way, you sow a bad seed which will lead you to the same situation.
Our natural and automatic reaction to negative things, which are happening every day, is the only act that can sow the seeds, through which we experience the same things again. The whole work is a huge vicious circle.
You can break the circle only if you change your reaction to the bad things that happen to you. When somebody yells at you and you get angry, you have to remember it is happening because you yelled at somebody in the past. And if you want to stop this circle you must change your reaction.
2. Avoid harming anyone
If you want to sow good seeds in your consciousness and good things to happen afterward, you must learn and master self-control. The first form of self-control is to avoid harming anyone.
You can harm people physically, with words, and with thoughts. Physically you can harm people by hurting them. Most of us have never hurt or killed somebody. Remember that, even the small actions we do in our daily life can sow seeds.
So you have to be aware and always think about how to protect people’s life and health. Good examples are safe driving, ice cleaning, slippery floor warnings, and calming somebody.
Also we must avoid harming ourselves and the animals. We need to be good to others and ourselves.
3. Always tell the truth
The second form of self-control that Patanjali points out in Yoga Sutras is always to tell the truth.
Telling the truth means that it’s not enough just trying not to tell shameless lies. Surely, we all know it is not good to tell lies and most of us don’t lie.
As long as we want to reach a deeper level of truth, we have to try our speech to be so clear that the person we are talking to, not be left with the wrong impression.
This means the picture that the person we are talking to, created in his head after our words, is the same picture we have in our head. The exact correspondence of these two pictures is the truth. Any deliberately created difference between these two pictures is a lie.
4. Never steal from others
We all know what is stealing and everyone knows it’s not a good thing. Everyone will say that he has never stolen from anyone.
Patanjali explains that those who are firmly rooted in non-stealing receive precious jewels from life. He says if you sustain this practice of non-stealing from people, it will come a day when people will offer you as much money as you need.
If you respect people’s belongings and if you always try to give to people what they need – depending on your capabilities, it will come a day when you will see how all the money that you need and even more, come to you.
Stealing could mean not only taking material things from others but also taking people’s time. For example, when we consume more food and water than we need, it’s a theft from the people who have nothing to eat or clean water to drink. Similarly, when we waste the Earth’s resources selfishly and extravagantly, we steal from the next generations.
5. Overcome the sense of abundance
People have a habit of constantly wanting something – our impulse to acquire, to have, to control, and to rule – things, money, other people, knowledge, events. We can’t find happiness in one thing that’s why we are constantly searching for another thing that could make us happy. Generally, we are thinking that happiness is in the number or variety.
When we want to own almost everything we feel envy if somebody else already owns it. Envy is such a powerful sense that can sow a bad seed in your consciousness.
Along with envy stands another feeling that people who want everything feels. This is satisfaction. The satisfaction that we feel when someone fails. There is one part of us that is satisfied to watch how strong people fall and die. How famous people struggle to stand on the top. Or good people are deceived.
And those are the two big mistakes in our world. Firstly, it is to be unhappy because someone else is happy. Secondly, it is to be happy because someone else is unhappy. They destroy our happiness now and in the future. To be selfish and to want all good things only for you is a great way to cause a bad fate for you.
You can think about life as an echo. What you send that you receive. You reap what you sow. And you get what you deserve. So you can send good thoughts and consequently see good things. Or you can act and think negatively and experience the same bad things.
At this point, you can start sowing good seeds in your consciousness.
This article is written by using the helpful information from the book „The philosophy of Yoga“ by Geshe Michael Roach and Christie McNally
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