I'm glad you here. Let's meet. My name is Dania. I'm certified yoga teacher and really passionate about it. I found yoga years ago, knowing it helps people to heal themself and find peace. I was struggling with my health and felt truly desperate. Yoga became my life-saving therapy. I started to learn and explore everything about it. It becomes my philosophy. I healed my body and changed my life view, so everything I want now is to help more people to stop suffer emotionally and physically. Therefore here you will find helpful advices for your health and beauty, only by using natural and affordable methods. Namaste!

How to Boost Your Feminine Energy by Connecting With Hindu Goddess Shakti?
Only the feminine energy of sexuality can transform a woman into a true goddess. Particularly, a woman who is [...]

3 Cardinal Ways To Reduce Cellulite Naturally
What is cellulite? Shortly said, it is the nightmare of every woman. No matter slim or fat, everybody can [...]

Absolutely Proven Yoga Methods For a Flat Stomach
Yoga can help to reduce fat belly and flatten your stomach. Furthermore doing yoga breathing techniques and asanas for [...]

Yogic Eye Exercises to Protect And Keep Good Eyesight Over The Years
Doing regularly yogic eye exercises can improve your vision and concentration! Eyes are these magical balls that allow us to [...]

Breathing Techniques. Can You Live Longer, If You Slow Your Breath?
According to yogic philosophy practicing slow and deep breathing can increase your life. That is why the ancient yogis [...]

Can Demons and Evil Spirits Cause Diseases? My Own Experience.
What do the spiritual leaders say about demons and evil spirits? “That they are invisible to man is a blessing [...]